Apr 20, 2008

Brown and White Triangulars

6 slices brown bread
6 slices white bread
3 potatoes boiled, peeled and mashed
3-4 green chillies
4-5 pods garlic
1 piece ginger
1/2 tsp turmeric
salt to taste
2 tbs cheese grated
1 tbsp finely chopped coriander
butter to apply

1. Crush together chillies and garlic.
2. Mix all ingredients except bread and butter.
3. Cut bread -- any uneven side of bread, so that one brown slices matches one white slices.
4. Apply butter on inner side of each slice.
5. Place some potato mixture on white slice.
6. Cover with brown slice.
7. Press into a preheated sandwich toaster.
8. Toast very light. Serve hot with ketchup.